Yunping Zhang (Sherry)

Yunping Zhang 

PhD Candidate,
Imaging Systems Lab / Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
The University of Hong Kong

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About me

My name is Yunping (Sherry), currently a 4th year PhD candidate from the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong , supervised by Prof.Edmund Y. Lam . My research interest includes but not restricted to digital holography, computational imaging, physics-informed network and generative modeling.

I am expected to graduate in Fall 2024 and excited about embarking on new research endeavors as a postdoctoral researcher, where I can continue to push the boundaries of knowledge. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any potential opportunities or to request additional information.



Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant of the following courses in The University of Hong Kong:

  • ELEC 8503, Fourier transform and its applications [Course website], Fall 2022.

  • ELEC 7078, Advanced Topics in EEE, Spring 2022

  • ELEC 6080, Telecommunications Systems and Management , Fall 2020.

  • ELEC 3644, Advanced Mobile Apps Development, Fall 2021.